Saturday, 20 June 2015

These super cute little Georgie Girl dolls were inspired by the Arora Borealis. During our research of this topic in order to make our little poppets, we have discovered that the Arora Borealis; also known as the Northern Lights, is truly beauty in nature. This beautiful display of colours is a phenomenon which scientists suggest is solar radiation emitted from our sun and is the cause of many dead planets. The colours that we see are in fact solar radiation striking the atmosphere of the earth, pretty cool when you think about it. Unlike many plants in our solar system the Earth’s atmosphere acts as a barrier to this devastating power thus protecting us and allowing us to make more little dollies.

Interesting facts about the Northern Lights:
      Caused by collisions between gaseous particles in the Earth's atmosphere with charged particles released from the sun's atmosphere. The change in colour is determined by the type of gas particle e.g. oxygen displays a red colour
            Gas particles (electrons and protons) from the sun are blown towards the earth on the 'solar wind'.
-          These particles are thrown from the sun's atmosphere by the rotation of the sun and escape through holes in the sun’s magnetic field.
             Largely deflected by the earth's magnetic field, this magnetic field however is weaker at either pole and therefore some particles enter the earth's atmosphere. This is the reason why the lights are only seen over the poles: Arora Borealis at the North Pole and Arora Australis’ at the South Pole.

So what does all of this have to do with Little Miss K? I don’t know but check out our cute little dollies inspired by this very cool phenomenon.