Friday, 29 July 2016

Meet Annie

It is hard to imagine that Annabelle; my daughter, is now 4 months old and a very happy little soul who likes to talk constantly. To think that she became my reality after a very difficult pregnancy and an unpleasant birth, to say that I was well and truly over it is an understatement but after seeing her I would not have it any other way. Nine months went very quickly but it wasn’t without its finger biting moments. While many people say they enjoyed their experience of pregnancy, my experience was anything but joyful having undergone many examinations and making many visits to the clinic. But in the end it was worth it. After she was born a whole new set of circumstances arose ensuring me that parenthood was not going to be all sunshine and happiness. No sleep, constant feeds and dirty nappies was something others had talked about but they seemed unaffected by it all, they had somehow managed without flipping out, so surely it would be the same for me. All I can say is I don’t know how single parents do it, I had a partner who was very hands on when it came to baby and still those first few weeks were the hardest. Sleeping was always the hardest thing to get used to, but when those feeds went from 4 hourly feeds to 2 hourly feeds; and sometimes hourly feeds, I knew my life would never be the same again. It is these desperate moments where we seek out answers to our problems, and I found my solution in a book called Baby Whispering by Sharlene Poole. By following the advice written in this book I was able to get baby to sleep throughout the night giving me a good 7 – 8 hours uninterrupted sleep. Best read ever, I highly recommend it. As Annie has grown so too has her personality slowly developed. She now recognises me and smiles at me which makes my day no matter what events are going on in my life. She is also starting to giggle and I am sure she has it all worked out – she can really do no wrong.

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